.. currentmodule:: asyncdagpi ============= API reference ============= Version Related Info -------------------- \.\.\. There are two main ways to query version information about the library. .. data:: version_info A named tuple that is similar to `sys.version_info`_. Just like `sys.version_info`_ the valid values for ``releaselevel`` are 'alpha', 'beta', 'candidate' and 'final'. .. _sys.version_info: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/sys.html#sys.version_info .. data:: __version__ A string representation of the version. e.g. ``'0.1.0-alpha0'``. Client ------ This is the base asyncdagpi client you use to make requests. This example initalises a basic client. .. code:: python from asyncdagpi import Client client = Client("your token") .. tip:: You can also disable logging .. code:: python from asyncdagpi import Client client = Client(token, logging=False) You can also setup a more advance client by passing in your own aiohttp ClientSession and Event Loop. If you are using discord.py it is adviseable to use the *bot.loop* as the event loop. .. warning:: Please use this only if you know what you are doing. Do not use the aiohttp session used by discord.py. .. code:: python from asyncndagpi import Client loop = #Your Asyncio Event Loop session = #Your Aiohttp session client = Client(token, loop=loop, session=session) Below is all of the methods of the client. Client ~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: Client :members: .. danger:: Closing the Client means a new one must be initialised otherwise there will be errors.